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Hyluronic Acid Injectable Filler

Refill Subcision with Filler

Some very shallow isolated acne scars are well suited to the “Refill” procedure. Excision and or fat grafting may not be appropriate for all scars. In such cases, we offer limited sub cision along with intradermal injection of the scar.

Juvederm, Revanesse, and Rystalane are all composed of Hyluronic Acid. Hyluronic Acid filler is the building block which gives skin its volume. These fillers are not for Ice Pick and very deep Box scars. However, they can be very helpful for Rolling atrophic scars. Hyluronic Acid is well tolerated by the tissues. Although it is called an “acid” this is only because of its end of a very very long repeating sugar component. It is a large sugar molecule which is the major component of skin. For this reason, we can call it a naturally occurring substance. It is purified for use in humans. There is little question with regard to its safety. You will want a material like Hyluronic Acid to raise the level of the skin, fill the volume loss, and reduce the depression. How many cc’s are required depends on how much of an area you would like to treat. All acne scars are “depressed” to varying degrees. The fillers are injected into the dermis in order to raise them to a “higher” level and hence the skin to appear more smooth. The molecule and its water occupy space. Turgor and an appearance of increased elasticity is added to the dermis, as the molecule “holds” a large amount of water. New collagen formation may follow.
Fillers can then be injected into the scar, helping to raise depressed areas of the skin, leaving it more even with the surrounding skin surface. Dermal fillers are fast, simple procedures compared to other types of acne scar treatments. Although this lasts a very long time, the main objection to these fillers in longevity. Many patients prefer a more longer lasting result. It is only one of the reasons why a patients own fat tissue is usually the best option, particularly for larger treatment areas.

These materials vary in the number of connections or chemical bonds that are present within the sugar molecule. It is called “cross linking”. More cross linking leads to a longer period of time before the molecule is eventually “dissolved” or removed from the skin.


Juvederm hyluronic acid filler is an injectable filler. It is naturally found in human skin and is its major component along with collagen.

Versa is an injectable also made from hyaluronic acid which also gives great results in some acne scars treatment.

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